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A Tale Of Two Cities
A Tale Of Two Cities
A Tale Of Two Cities
A Tale Of Two Cities
A Tale Of Two Cities
A Tale Of Two Cities
Kitap Önizlemesi

A Tale Of Two Cities

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Sayfa Sayısı:488
Yayın Tarihi:Ağustos 2022
Ebat:13,5 × 19,5 cm

A Tale Of Two Cities - Kitap Açıklaması

"It was the best of tImes, It was the worst of tImes."

A tale of two cities was described as "the best story I’ve ever written" by Charles Dickens. This classic piece tells the story of a group of people trying to survive during the French Revolution. While telling personal stories, the book also portrays the brutal social conditions of the period.

Constructing a story of a period of immense complexity through a family’s past, the author takes us to a breathtaking journey from quiet streets of London to the vengeful and bloody streets of Paris, a city where everyone must live under the shadow of La Guillotine.
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A Tale Of Two Cities

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